caffeine & serum


    Well, I drank coffee after dinner and now I know I may not sleep this evening. All is not lost, I'm studying wavetables trying to understand how tf serum actually works. I'm 3/20 in the mastering series I found on YouTube. In the first three videos I cannot believe how much I've learned. It's hard for me to watch anything (I don't watch film or television) so finally being able to sit through lessons on topics I'm interested in is refreshing. So far each video is about 20 minutes long and he goes through the VST one component at a time, and then reiterates what he just lectured on at the end of the video to reinforce.

    I have been trying to meditate more often (shooting for daily) and this evening was a good session. Breath work and body scanning have been the topics thus far, and they have helped more than I thought was going to be possible through guided meditation on an iPhone app. 

    It's astounding to me how much the things people talk about that are great for the soul, yet I had not yet practiced; have impacted my life as of late. Drinking more water, less sugar, drinking no calories, walking more, meditation, healthy social relationships, sitting with things when they arise be it good or bad, all of these things have been brought into my life through one way or another, and I am thankful. 

    Genuinely content, eternally grateful, gracious of growth, staying hungry.


    I've gone too deep, too far- I drank another cup of coffee. 😈

    Seriously though, I knew I wasn't sleeping tonight. Burning the midnight oil for the first time in a while. I am feeling great about it, as tomorrow (today?) is wide open on the schedule. The whole today/tomorrow thing is funny to me. I laughed at folks who were on "tomorrow" when I'd be up all night and seeing them jogging, still on my "yesterday." The whole scenario still makes me laugh but realistically that 4am -5am club is what I'm trying to build to. 

    On another note, salami is an underrated deli meat. Just a slice, it's nice- salami. That's my ad/jingle I'm working on diligently for "Big" salami. Sounds a little like a mafioso name. Could be, I don't ask questions, especially about spiced meats. Slapped a slice on the old "after a swim" special with ham, mustard, and wavy chips, definitely an undervalued delicatessen staple and should be spoken of much more highly. 

Continuing on the path of righteousness with these serum vids

Blessed be the wave lords 

In lufs name we pray 🔊


    Decided after the fifth video I watched (pats self on back) this evening, I'm going to read and hopefully pass out. I'm sure I could stay up all night, but alas, I feel like this routine I'm in is too good to break my discipline completely. 

Currently reading: "Can't Hurt Me" - by David Goggins


- ya mans


friday feels

