humble beginnings

10:02 PM

    I've decided to finally start a blog, specifically involving my life as an artist. On the surface, this is a daunting task to me. I'm hoping that this will be a great outlet, a way to measure and record progress, and an accountability constraint. It is my aim to become more efficient and effective with my time within the realm of my music and content revolving around the sound. 

    For those who haven't been around, or I haven't caught up on my life- I moved back to Ohio on the 22nd of May, and it has so revitalizing to my soul. In the PNW, I felt like I was constantly "wearing a mask" or changing myself like a chameleon to better suit the environment. When I came back to the Ohio valley, I immediately knew this place is what had been missing from my life. This is the  place where I didn't have to change who I was to fit in. This is the place where I standout for eximplary reasons. This is the place I call home. 

    The PNW was a dark place- literally, spiritually, and socially for me. Portland area is without sunlight for ~164 days of the year. I always joke about how if the Sun shined more out in the PNW, I would be "too damn powerful." I still stand by this statement. I know the number one thing I missed the most about Ohio was the Sun and Sunshine. My god, it is so much brighter out here than anywhere I was in the PNW. Ohio has the most fluffy, almost fake looking, painted clouds everywhere in the sky. Even as the sun peeks through from behind one of these beautiful giants, the sunlight still shines through. 

The warmth of the sun warms my soul, and I know this place is where I need to be at this time in my life. 



